Schlagwort-Archive: Videos

[Datenbanken]: Videos für Zahnmedizin und med. Bildgebung

[Autor/Feedback: Helmut Dollfuß]

Im Computernetz der MedUni Wien stehen jetzt 2 Plattformen des Verlages Alexander Street Press für englischsprachige medizinische Videos zur Verfügung.

Dental Education in Video

„Dental Education in Video is a video encyclopedia of dentistry and dental technique, delivering instant online access to hundreds of high-definition videos featuring world-renowned clinicians and educators. It provides hundreds of hours of demonstrations from American Dental Association-approved content partners, together with interviews and lectures, for students and faculty in dental surgery, medicine, oral hygiene, assisting, and nursing.“

Medical Imaging in Video

„Medical Imaging in Video gives students and practitioners a clear, direct way to observe highly technical imaging procedures before practicing them in a clinical setting. Available for the first time in one comprehensive online interface, this resource of training videos covers key topics in patient diagnosis and treatment.“