English version below

Ab sofort sind die kompletten Nature Masterclasses an der MedUni Wien lizenziert.

WICHTIG: Die Registrierung und/oder der erste Login zu den Nature Masterclasses muss am Campus innerhalb des MedUni Wien-Netzwerks erfolgen. Nach der Registrierung merkt sich die Webseite 6 Monate lang Ihre Zugriffsberechtigung, sodass Sie die Kurse dann mit jeder beliebigen Internetverbindung nutzen können – auch außerhalb des Campus.

Eine Anleitung ist hier zu finden:
User Guide for Nature Masterclasses-IP access

Die Masterclasses des renommierten Verlages Springer Nature behandeln Themen rund um das wissenschaftliche Arbeiten, Publizieren und den Publikationsprozess allgemein. In Form von Videos und Tutorials können die Inhalte selbstständig erarbeitet werden.

Folgende Kurse stehen aktuell zur Verfügung:
– Writing a Research Paper: 1st + 2nd Edition
– Publishing a Research Paper
– Writing and Publishing a Review Paper
– Research Integrity: Publication Ethics
– Focus on Peer Review
– Experiments: From Idea to Design
– Persuasive Grant Writing
– Finding Funding Opportunities
– Managing Research Data to Unlock its Full Potential
– Data Analysis: Planning and Preparing
– Data Analysis: Conducting and Troubleshooting
– Interpreting Scientific Results
– Narrative Tools for Researchers
– Effective Science Communication
– Advancing Your Scientific Presentations
– Creating Successful Research Posters
– Getting an Academic Research Position
– Networking for Researchers
– Introduction to Collaboration
– Participating in a Collaboration
– Leading a Collaboration
– Building a Strong Researcher Profile

From now on, MedUni Vienna provides access to all courses of the On-demand platform Nature Masterclasses.

IMPORTANT: The first time you register for Nature Masterclasses and/or log in to access the courses, you need to make sure you are located on campus and connected to MedUni Vienna’s network. After the registration, the website will remember your connection to MedUni Vienna’s network for 6 months, enabling you to access the courses with any internet connection for 6 months – also off-campus.

A user guide can be found here:
User Guide for Nature Masterclasses-IP access

The Masterclasses of the renowned publisher Springer Nature cover topics like conducting research, scientific writing, as well as publication and presentation of scientific findings. The content is available in form of videos/tutorials.

The following courses are currently available:
– Writing a Research Paper: 1st + 2nd Edition
– Publishing a Research Paper
– Writing and Publishing a Review Paper
– Research Integrity: Publication Ethics
– Focus on Peer Review
– Experiments: From Idea to Design
– Persuasive Grant Writing
– Finding Funding Opportunities
– Managing Research Data to Unlock its Full Potential
– Data Analysis: Planning and Preparing
– Data Analysis: Conducting and Troubleshooting
– Interpreting Scientific Results
– Narrative Tools for Researchers
– Effective Science Communication
– Advancing Your Scientific Presentations
– Creating Successful Research Posters
– Getting an Academic Research Position
– Networking for Researchers
– Introduction to Collaboration
– Participating in a Collaboration
– Leading a Collaboration
– Building a Strong Researcher Profile


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