Die Universitätsbibliothek stellt DIE medizinischen Top-Journals am Campus der MedUni Wien und via Remote Access zur Verfügung.
Das TOP-JOURNAL des Monats im Van Swieten Blog ist:
Nature Medicine
Zu den Volltexten: Jg. 1, H. 1 (1995) –
Die ersten 20% der Zeitschriften eines bestimmten Fachgebietes im Journal Citation Reports JCR (geordnet nach der Höhe des Impact Factors) sind TOP-JOURNALE.
Mit dem Impact Factor 27.363 zählt das Nature Medicine zu den Top-Journalen in der Kategorie: BIOCHEMISTRY & MOLECULAR BIOLOGY
Calculation: Cites to recent items 9878 = 27.363
IF – Impact Factors »Number of recent items 361 URL: http://admin-apps.webofknowledge.com/JCR/JCR?RQ=RECORD&rank=3&journal=NAT+MED (Stand: 01.10.2015)
Full Journal Title: | NATURE MEDICINE |
ISO Abbrev. Title: | Nat. Med. |
JCR Abbrev. Title: | NAT MED |
ISSN: | 1078-8956 |
Issues/Year: | 12 |
Language: | ENGLISH |
Journal Country/Territory: | UNITED STATES |
Aims and scope of the journal
„Original research articles published in Nature Medicine range from basic findings that have clear implications for disease pathogenesis and therapy to the earliest phases of human investigation. Aiming to keep Ph.D. and M.D. readers informed of a wide range of biomedical research findings, the journal publishes the latest advances in cancer biology, vascular biology, neuroscience, inflammatory disease, infectious disease and metabolic disorders, among other fields. Reviews, Perspectives and other commissioned content clarify and give context to these biomedical research advances, and the News section reports on the latest developments in drug research and development.“ URL: http://www.nature.com/nm/authors/index.html#aims-scope (Stand: 01.10.2015)
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