You can find information on prices here. For large tasks, a price quotation will be given.
You will receive bibliographic references with details of the author(s), the title of the work, the title of the journal / book and, where available, an English-language abstract (ca. 90%). Results are sent via email.
Please contact our staff to place an order.
As long as the Medical University of Vienna library has subscribed to or bought the journal for the relevant period, you can download/print the whole article (on PCs within the Medical University and also off-campus, via remote access, for members of the Medical University) or copy the article directly from the print collection. Otherwise, please contact the document delivery service (Document Delivery Service, - please note that this service is chargeable).
If you access the respective database via our website, you will then be able to print full text directly from the database via the “library button”, so long as the Medical University has a current subscription and the publisher has enabled access (IP address of the PC within the Medical University of Vienna!). External access (via remote access) is available for members of the Medical University of Vienna.
Provided with detailed information about your publications or a list of publications, we will gladly help you to find out how often your work has been cited. --> Evaluating Resources
If you’re interested, please contact:
Mag.ª Brigitte Wildner
T.:+43 (0)1 40160 - 26125
Staff members or students of MedUni Vienna can access electronic resources off-campus via Remote Access.